Our family has been serving the community with professionalism and friendliness since 1963. We are very committed to your health and well-being and hope you enjoy our service and our products.
Choose local business over big box pharmacies
Why go to a generic, big box pharmacy when you can get our unique services? When you come to us, you’ll get more than the standard services and products.
Get professional service
Each member of our staff is trained to give you the best assistance and service possible. From our pharmacists and technicians to our clerks, we all believe in the importance of professional and friendly service.
Our building’s history
Built in the late 1800s, our building has a history with pharmacies. Before our pharmacy was here, it used to be Norton’s and later became Kuehn’s Drug Store. Our building was moved to its present location. If it sat today where it was originally built, it would be somewhere in the roadway near the intersection of Main Street and Route 415.
Call us at 570-675-1141 and ask how we can better serve you. Visit us at 3 Main St. Dallas, PA